Thursday, August 21, 2008

Baby Sam!

Finally I got my bum over to see Bethie and her adorable new baby, Sam. He is so tiny and cute. Just a little cuddle muffin. He turns one month new tomorrow. I could have hung out with him all day. It was nice to catch up with Bethie too. ;) You would never have guessed she just had a baby one month ago. She looks fab-U-lous!

Snow in August?

You betcha! This photo was taken from my car as I was driving. Yeah, I know, super smart. It was really cool to see Longs Peak covered in snow, especially since it was in the 90's and100's the previous week. Wonder what kind of winter we are going to have. Our first year here, it snowed in September and we had a crazy blizzard winter. Maybe we will have another crazy winter! Fun!!!

BSS #6 & #7

Sadly the Boulder Stroke and Stride has come to an end for the season. It was such a fun race, and fit perfectly into my schedule. 

BSS #6 was not that great. Once again the swim was longer, 796 meters, and it was my worst time to date. I didn't wear my wetsuit and just didn't feel great. I think I placed 5th, maybe 6th. My run was decent, third fastest split to date, still not under the 30 minute mark. But was happy with it after that lousy swim. The weather was crazy hot. Who would have thought that at 6:30 in the evening it would still be in the high 80's. Gross. 

BSS #7... I really didn't want to race. Not because I am lazy but because for two days prior I was a juror on an assault case and that had taken so much out of me - emotionally, mentally and physically. The weather the day of the race was super overcast, gloomy and cold. So cold that I got cold waiting for the race to start so I decided to put on my wetsuit. Such a drastic change from the week before.  I told myself to just get through the swim and decide on the run once I got back to the transition area. The start of the swim was good. I put everything I had into it. I raced hard to the finish, I didn't want to leave anything on the table (or in the pool). Once out of the water, I walked slowly back to my stuff and started to take my wetsuit off. I thought I should at least run, I did pay for it. Plus I figured it would be good for me to get all this craziness I felt from jury duty out of me. Unfortunately my transition to the run took longer than it should have as my wetsuit gave me a workout to get off. Once on the run I felt great. I actually caught up to some people, granted these people were an 8 year old boy and 10 year old girl, but it still counts in my book. Well I couldn't shake the 10 year old girl so we ran the whole thing together. I got a little ahead of her and then her mom passed by and told her to keep with me. I turned around and she was smiling, so I told her she was doing great and to keep with me. Then on the final stretch she passed me, then I caught her (wow it was exciting and the fans were cheering, for her of course) and I told her to sprint and not let this old lady beat her and at the very end she edged me out. I told her great race and thanks for pacing me. She just looked at me, smiled and said ok. Oh to be 10. So how were my times? AWESOME! I actually I had my fastest time in the swim, under 12 minutes, second out of the water and the course was too long again, 813 meters. I seem to swim my best times (except for BSS #6) when the course is longer. Hmmm, interesting. In regards to the run, I finally did it. I finally broke 30 minutes - 29:14. I was thrilled and so glad I did the whole race. What a way to end the series. It definitely lifted my spirits. :)

Monday, August 18, 2008

Phelps' Incredible 100 Fly Finish

Check out his finish frame-by-frame.