Thursday, January 3, 2008


Our house came with a double oven in the kitchen (where else would it be???). Fabulous right? Well, personally I would have preferred a double MICROWAVE oven. How can you cook a quick meal with only one microwave? With one microwave, it takes a good 15 minutes to make Dan's dinner. If I ever have money to remodel my kitchen... one can dream can't she?


Allison Krasnow said...

ok, i gotta ask, what takes 15 min. in the microwave?

clearly, i have not mastered the subtilties of this appliance :)

Anonymous said...

rice takes 20mins in the Microwave...same as a stove but no burning.

Anonymous said...

I meant you can cook a whole dinner within 15 minutes - 3-4 minutes for a veggie, 4-6 minutes for precooked turkey sausage, a couple of minutes for leftovers from the restaurant from the night before. Haven't tried rice yet. Cool idea Jenn, thanks! :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It takes about 5 minutes to go through the Kentucky Fried Chicken drive-thru ---- much faster than the microwave. I highly recommend it.

Anonymous said...

ok fatty. isn't there a song about "fatty"??? ass so big couldn't fit through the door?

ever since that rat thing at kfc, i just can't go there! plus my sister yelled at me for going to the wrong kfc before so i'm scared to go back. how can you go to the wrong kfc???

Anonymous said...

Well, if yous sister is starving, you should know that the best way to make her happy is to feed her ASAP! Why would you travel 45 minutes to pick up her KFC when there is a KFC 10 minutes away?

Anonymous said...

I'm hungry! Whose up for Long John Silvers?