Sunday, November 2, 2008

First Swim Meet of the Season

I had my first swim meet of the season on Saturday, the Kevin Nash Memorial meet. The meet was sponsored by my team, the BeeGee's, because Kevin was our coach until his passing in the summer of 2007. It was an afternoon meet and I was incredibly pooped from the week before and that morning of Pilates and errands. I was just looking forward to seeing where I was and I was much better than expected. Dan came to cheer all of us on. Hopefully he will be racing at the next meet. Here I am in the lovely BeeGee team polka dot suit I swore I would never wear (holy smokes I look tired! thank goodness we "fell back" an hour today.). I ended up wearing that black suit underneath. Dan is pretty positive he will never wear the team suit. They aren't that flattering but you can spot a BeeGee a mile away. 


b fisk said...

my gosh that swimsuit is bad. however, you look smashing in it.

Anonymous said...

Polka dots look good on you! You should wear them more often. Congrats on your first good meet of the season. I'll try to make it to the next one.

Allison Krasnow said...

that suit with our blue polka-dot bike kits would be quite the scene!