Saturday, May 24, 2008

Don't cry wolf!

Beth was nice enough to lead us on a mountain bike ride this morning. She turned around after 30 minutes because the trail became technical and at 8 months pregnant, riding those types of trails is totally inadvisable. The sad thing is that she totally kicked our butts at 8 months pregnant!!! As we started up the technical hill, a wolf came up from the side and crossed in front of me. I wasn't nervous, just taken aback. At first I thought it was a coyote because you normally see them out here. But I kept thinking that is the biggest coyote I have seen. And I have never seen a grayish, white one before. I told my dad the story and he set me straight telling me it was probably a wolf, and he was right. Hee Hee. I crack myself up. How can you mistake a wolf for a coyote??? Unfortunately Dan didn't see the wolf. I always enjoy seeing the wildlife, however, I'm ok if I never see a mountain lion expect say, at the zoo.

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