Monday, May 26, 2008


I met up with my dear friend Becky yesterday! We swam together in Arizona many moons ago. We just reconnected on Facebook a few weeks ago and I found out she was going to be in town because her husband is from Boulder. How cool! She suggested we meet in Boulder at a Master Swim practice. I was game. We swam meters. Apparently she still swims meters and it showed as she lead our lane. I haven't swam meters since high school. It is a long ways down the pool, especially swimming backstroke. It was fun and so wonderful to catch up with her. The visit was too short but hopefully her next trip to CO we can visit a bit longer. It has been 16 years since we last saw each other, so there is still lots to chat about.

Here we are after practice. I wore my Pepperdine swim sweatshirt in case she didn't recognize me when we met at the pool. :)

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Don't cry wolf!

Beth was nice enough to lead us on a mountain bike ride this morning. She turned around after 30 minutes because the trail became technical and at 8 months pregnant, riding those types of trails is totally inadvisable. The sad thing is that she totally kicked our butts at 8 months pregnant!!! As we started up the technical hill, a wolf came up from the side and crossed in front of me. I wasn't nervous, just taken aback. At first I thought it was a coyote because you normally see them out here. But I kept thinking that is the biggest coyote I have seen. And I have never seen a grayish, white one before. I told my dad the story and he set me straight telling me it was probably a wolf, and he was right. Hee Hee. I crack myself up. How can you mistake a wolf for a coyote??? Unfortunately Dan didn't see the wolf. I always enjoy seeing the wildlife, however, I'm ok if I never see a mountain lion expect say, at the zoo.

Monday, May 19, 2008

It's a miracle! No, it's Pilates!

I ran/walked a 5k last Sunday with some friends form the swim team. My goal was to keep my back pain free. Ad good Lord, I did it. I didn't have any pain on Sunday after the race, after I cleaned the garage, all day Monday, Tuesday after running/walking again and all the way through today, Saturday. Pilates Rules!!! Here we are after the race. Ian, at the end, didn't run. We would have given him a hard time about not running since it was only a 5k, but he just got back from the Masters Nationals swim meet where he broke a few state records. He desrves a break.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

No More Paper Shades!

Our shutters were installed today, yeah!!! These shutters totally made our house feel more like a home rather than your first place after college. :)



Sunday, May 4, 2008


Missed this little gem in the news. Luckily Jenn B. shared it with all of us. Apparently I'm in the wrong industry.

I'd rather be Jogging!

Beth and I hiked Hogback last Wednesday. We were supposed to hike on Thursday, but Beth said the weather was supposed to be bad on Thursday so we moved it to Wednesday. Thank goodness we did because it snowed on Thursday! It was a beautiful, sunny 85 degrees on Wednesday. Unbelievably Beth had never done Hogback before so the climb up was a little bit of a surprise to her. She is 7 months pregnant now and held an awesome pace. The highlight of the hike, besides her company of course, was her fabulous t-shirt. We received many giggles from people who passed us. In case you can't read her t-shirt, it says "I'd rather be jogging." Hee Hee Hee!!!